Saturday, September 3, 2011

interview from tumblr 1 Toshi and yoshiki

  • YOSHIKI: Anyhow, after Kurachin left, to decide who'd do vocals, we all sang, me included. ToshI was the best.
  • ToshI: Only a little bit better than YOSHIKI.
  • YOSHIKI: Then, my voice was really high.
  • ToshI: We didn't even have a microphone stand yet, so we used a tele-something YOSHIKI had.
  • YOSHIKI: (almost simultaneously with ToshI's last words) Astronomical telescope.
  • ToshI: Astronomical telescope. So our microphone stand was an astronomical telescope.
  • YOSHIKI: Also, then, my voice hadn't changed yet.
  • ToshI: He had a really high voice and [looked] really cute. Very likely no one here saw his face then, but he really was totally cute.
  • YOSHIKI: Then, I was a little shorter than ToshI still.
  • ToshI: Now he's about 15 cms taller than me. Then, he was all [frail/gangly like a] bean sprout.
  • YOSHIKI: They even called me "hiyoko" then.
  • ToshI: You really want to talk about that?
  • YOSHIKI: No, I won't.
  • ToshI: That already came out in your book YOSHIKI/佳樹.
  • YOSHIKI: Well, there's only 1,000 people just now.
  • ToshI: It's only a thousand people here, but there are lots more watching from home.
  • YOSHIKI: Please keep it a secret.                            

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