Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shin's Survey

  hevn Vol.041 - Shin's Survey

credit "" 

  • Name                                 Shin
  • Part                                    Vocal
  • Birthday                              September 4th
  • Blood type                          Type B
  • Eyesight                              Pretty bad
  • Shoe size                            27cm
  • Birthplace                           Nagano
  • Cellphone                           Au
  • Ring tone                            Whatever was on the phone when I bought it.
  • Favorite Food: Sushi, Origin* tastes good.
  • Hated Food: Vegetables
  • What shampoo & conditioner do you use: Whatever 
  • Type of girl you like: I like the girl I fall for.
  • When was your first love: 3rd year elementary, the really cute girl in my class.
  • Please tell us your dream date: Any kind of date is fun if the girl I like is by my side.
  • What subject were you good at in school: Math
  • Favorite Movie: Enter The Dragon, Bruce Lee is my eternal hero.
  • Perfume you usually use: I don't use it.
  • Childhood Dream: Definitely a singer.
  • Favorite color: Black, white, grey, I think chic colors look the best on me.
  • Favorite Brand: Monsieur Nicole, I love how it's adult style suits me.
  • If you had to explain your character in one phrase: I'm usually easygoing, but when it's time to get serious, I get the job done right.
  • What kind of a kid were you: In wintertime I was the only one in class who wore short sleeves. I thought about how to make myself stand out.
  • Is there an instrument you would like to try playing: Drums. It's cool how even though it isn't so noticeable at first, it holds the song together.
  • Please tell us a secret about one of your band mates that only you know: Secrets remain secrets...
  • If you could become one of your band mates for only one day, who would it be: Ryouga
  • Please tell us the reason behind your answer to the previous question: I think his standing silhouette is cool.
  • Favorite Season: Autumn, it's comfortable to live in.
  • Sports you are good at: Basketball, billiards. I was the captain of a basketball team once.
  • Have you taken lessons for anything: Calligraphy
  • Do you have any pets(and their names): No I don't...I really want a cat.
  • Song you usually sing at karaoke: I don't really go to karaoke often.
  • Favorite video game: I like games with beautiful graphics.
  • Name you want to name your child: I want to decide it together with the one I love.
  • What do you absolutely have to do before a live: Meditation
  • What is your favorite place in your room: Basically I don't go places I dislike, so I like all of it.
  • Something you buy at the convenience store without thinking: Hairspray
  • The band member you think is most mature: Probably myself
  • The band member you think is most childish: Ko-Ki, he is in fact young.
  • Do you like phone or mail: Phone, because it's hard to understand the other person's feelings by mail.
  • How long have you ever talked on the phone before: About 5 hours?
  • Favorite Phrase: I don't usually say words which I dislike.
  • If you had a time machine, which time period would you like to try going to: Really far into the future, I'm interested in what the world will be like then.
  • How long does it take from the time you wake up to the time you go out: 3 to 4 hours. It takes me awhile to prepare.
  • Something you laughed at recently: I'm actually enjoying living life so I've been laughing a lot.
  • What flavor of ramen do you like: Miso
  • What's your best dish: I'm not very good at cooking.
  • Something always in your fridge: Tea
  • If you could go on a trip where would you go: Somewhere I know absolutely nothing about.
  • If you were reborn would you want to be a girl or boy? I would like to be myself again.
  • Favorite character: I don't have one.
  • The person you want to see most now: All of my closest friends from my hometown.
  • A message to your band mates: Let's take over the world.
  • A message to the readers: I'll move your hearts with my song. 

Translator Notes
* He was born in 1987 if you're interested.
* Origin is a foods company. He likes their bento~ :D

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