Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ryouga ViViD Q&A

  hevn no.041 Ryoga's Q&A

Credit :  Mandy ([info]dumplings2) wrote in [info]vividfans,

Ryouga ViViD Q&A

  • Name                                             Ryouga
  • part                                                Guitar
  • birthday                                          11.22
  • blood type                                      AB
  • Eyesight                                          1.0
  • Shoe size                                         44
  • Birthplace                                        Kantou
  • Mobile phone model                        Docomo
  • ringtone                                           none
  • Favourite food                                 white rice 
  • Disliked food                                   Oden’s kombu
  • The shampoo/conditioner you use    A hair salon one
  • Favourite girl type                            She’s devoted to me
  • When was your first love                 When I was a kindergartner

  • Please tell us your dream date course       :      Cuddling each other in silence     Words aren’t needed [… there he goes with that ‘silent’ word again >_>]
  • What was a subject you were good at         :         Physical education
  • Favourite film               :              Action
  • Favourite perfume to use           :      Dior Hypnopic poison [← he means Hypnotic, he either spelt it wrongly or whoever typed up his Q&A did T-T]
  • Your dream as a child          :         Freelance [someone who just works part-time to making a living]
  • Favourite colours        :           Purple,black,gold
  • Favourite brands         :           Justin Davis,Royal Order
  • Express oneself’s personality in one single word        :        Buffer-in [ I don’t get this… it’s a computer word =_=]
  • As a child, what kind of child were you?        :          A sports boy
  • Do you have an instrument that you want to try and give it go?      :           Sax [saxophone]
  • Please tell us members’ secrets which oneself only knows        :         What’s not a secret
  • If you can become a member for just 1 day, who do you want to become?         :          ko-ki。
  • Please explain the reason of the question above      :         Because I heard he’s fun
  • Favourite season      :         Winter
  • Sports you’re good at       :        Ground [sports]
  • Were you doing lessons to something?      :         Piano
  • Are you raising pets? (Names too if you like)      :         None
  • Songs which you often sing at karaoke?       :        EXILE
  • Favourite video game is?     :          Monster Hunter G2
  • A name that you want to give to your child is?       :         A name which is attached with Ryuu (龍)
  • What is the thing that you are bound to do before a live?      :         I imagine the audience’s faces
  • Within your room, what is your favourite spot?      :         You enter and there’s a wall edge [Ok… I have no idea what on earth a 壁際 is… it’s not even in the dictionary!!]
  • The thing that you unintentionally buy at the convenience store is?       :         Gum
  • Within the members, the best adult one is?      :         ko-ki 
  • Within the members, the best child one is?      :         Shin 
  • Phone person? E-mail person?        :        Phone person
  • The longest time of a long telephone conversation is?       :          3 hours
  • Favourite phrase        :        I’m the best
  • If you had a time machine, which period do you want to go to?      :         The 80’s Germany
  • The time it takes from waking up until going out is?         :       30 minutes. Men have bed hair
  • A thing which you laughed at recently was?         :       ko-ki’s usual talk
  • What flavour do you like of ramen?        :       Tonkotsu 
  • The cuisine you are good at [cooking] is?         :        A scrambled eggs one
  • A thing that is always entering your fridge is?          :      Vegetable juice
  • Where do you want to go if you travel?         :      England
  • If we assume you are born again, which one of a man or woman is good?      :         Man
  • What is your favourite character?       :        Sephiroth [← He’s a Final Fantasy character XD]
  • Currently, the person you want to see is?      :         A mate [Good friend kind of thing XD]
  • A single word for the members!!        :       You’re the best
A message to the readers           Because we fire it up, I hope that we won’t make it shake off, get on firmly [← Far out.. omg I don't really understand what he was on about there, but I'm getting a friend to fix it for me, so until then D: ]

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