Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shin's Survey

  hevn Vol.041 - Shin's Survey

credit "" 

  • Name                                 Shin
  • Part                                    Vocal
  • Birthday                              September 4th
  • Blood type                          Type B
  • Eyesight                              Pretty bad
  • Shoe size                            27cm
  • Birthplace                           Nagano
  • Cellphone                           Au
  • Ring tone                            Whatever was on the phone when I bought it.
  • Favorite Food: Sushi, Origin* tastes good.
  • Hated Food: Vegetables
  • What shampoo & conditioner do you use: Whatever 
  • Type of girl you like: I like the girl I fall for.
  • When was your first love: 3rd year elementary, the really cute girl in my class.
  • Please tell us your dream date: Any kind of date is fun if the girl I like is by my side.
  • What subject were you good at in school: Math
  • Favorite Movie: Enter The Dragon, Bruce Lee is my eternal hero.
  • Perfume you usually use: I don't use it.
  • Childhood Dream: Definitely a singer.
  • Favorite color: Black, white, grey, I think chic colors look the best on me.
  • Favorite Brand: Monsieur Nicole, I love how it's adult style suits me.
  • If you had to explain your character in one phrase: I'm usually easygoing, but when it's time to get serious, I get the job done right.
  • What kind of a kid were you: In wintertime I was the only one in class who wore short sleeves. I thought about how to make myself stand out.
  • Is there an instrument you would like to try playing: Drums. It's cool how even though it isn't so noticeable at first, it holds the song together.
  • Please tell us a secret about one of your band mates that only you know: Secrets remain secrets...
  • If you could become one of your band mates for only one day, who would it be: Ryouga
  • Please tell us the reason behind your answer to the previous question: I think his standing silhouette is cool.
  • Favorite Season: Autumn, it's comfortable to live in.
  • Sports you are good at: Basketball, billiards. I was the captain of a basketball team once.
  • Have you taken lessons for anything: Calligraphy
  • Do you have any pets(and their names): No I don't...I really want a cat.
  • Song you usually sing at karaoke: I don't really go to karaoke often.
  • Favorite video game: I like games with beautiful graphics.
  • Name you want to name your child: I want to decide it together with the one I love.
  • What do you absolutely have to do before a live: Meditation
  • What is your favorite place in your room: Basically I don't go places I dislike, so I like all of it.
  • Something you buy at the convenience store without thinking: Hairspray
  • The band member you think is most mature: Probably myself
  • The band member you think is most childish: Ko-Ki, he is in fact young.
  • Do you like phone or mail: Phone, because it's hard to understand the other person's feelings by mail.
  • How long have you ever talked on the phone before: About 5 hours?
  • Favorite Phrase: I don't usually say words which I dislike.
  • If you had a time machine, which time period would you like to try going to: Really far into the future, I'm interested in what the world will be like then.
  • How long does it take from the time you wake up to the time you go out: 3 to 4 hours. It takes me awhile to prepare.
  • Something you laughed at recently: I'm actually enjoying living life so I've been laughing a lot.
  • What flavor of ramen do you like: Miso
  • What's your best dish: I'm not very good at cooking.
  • Something always in your fridge: Tea
  • If you could go on a trip where would you go: Somewhere I know absolutely nothing about.
  • If you were reborn would you want to be a girl or boy? I would like to be myself again.
  • Favorite character: I don't have one.
  • The person you want to see most now: All of my closest friends from my hometown.
  • A message to your band mates: Let's take over the world.
  • A message to the readers: I'll move your hearts with my song. 

Translator Notes
* He was born in 1987 if you're interested.
* Origin is a foods company. He likes their bento~ :D

Reno's survey from hevn Vol.041

Here is Reno's survey from hevn Vol.041 as well~
credit : "" 

  • Name                               Reno
  • Part                                  Skillful Guitar
  • Birthday                           June 4th
  • Blood type                       Type A
  • Eyesight                           2.0
  • Shoe size                         26.5
  • Birthplace                        Kanagawa Prefecture
  • Cellphone                        au
  • Ring tone                         Steve Vai
Favorite Food: Parfait, sushi, gyouza
Hated Food: Spicy stuff
What shampoo & conditioner do you use?: A foreign one my mom recommended
Type of girl you like: A girl who is adorable with white skin and a good smile and nice and is a good cook and is understanding and often wears skirts and laughs a lot and excites me
When was your first love?: In 3rd year elementary, the girl with the big and round eyes
Please tell us your dream date:Meet up sometime in the evening, go to Minato Mirai, drink alcohol and become relaxed while watching the beautiful night view. After that, seduce her on the beach, checkmate.
What subject were you good at in school?: P.E.
Favorite Movie: always san cho me no yuuhi. I cried at this.
Perfume you usually use: Sculpture, bvlgari
Childhood Dream: Soccer Player
Favorite color: Black & Red
Favorite Brand: JackRose, Chrome Hearts
If you had to explain your character in one phrase?: Eros
What kind of a kid were you?: A boy with lots of nosebleeds
Is there an instrument you would like to try playing?: Bass
Please tell us a secret about one of your band mates that only you know: Shin- He actually goes with the flow well. Ryouga- He's actually nice. IV- He's actually a narcissist. Ko-ki- He's actually crazy.
If you could become one of your band mates for only one day, who would it be: Shin
Please tell us the reason behind your answer to the previous question: I want to try singing.
Favorite Season: Spring
Sports you are good at: Soccer
Have you taken lessons for anything?: Soccer
Do you have any pets?(and their names): A turtle. His name is Kame Tarou.
Song you usually sing at karaoke?: DEEN's "Kono mama kimi dake wo ubai saritai"
Favorite video game?: GTA
Name you want to name your child?: Riku
What do you absolutely have to do before a live?: Polish my guitar
What is your favorite place in your room?: Bed
Something you buy at the convenience store without thinking?: Alcohol
The band member you think is most mature?: Shin
The band member you think is most childish?: ko-ki
Do you like phone or mail?: Phone, mail is a pain in the ass.
How long have you ever talked on the phone before?: 5 hours
Favorite Phrase: Thank you.
If you had a time machine, which time period would you like to try going to?: The later years of elementary school
How long does it take from the time you wake up to the time you go out?: 1 hour
Something you laughed at recently?: Played Winning Eleven with Shin and laughed my ass off
What flavor of ramen do you like?: Tonkotsu
What's your best dish?: I can cook scrambled eggs better than anyone
Something always in your fridge?: Cocoa
If you could go on a trip where would you go?: Italy
If you were reborn would you want to be a girl or boy?: A sexy woman.
Favorite character?: Cloud
The person you want to see most now?: You.
A message to your band mates!!: I love you.
A message to the readers: Excite me. Then you'll see!

Ryouga ViViD Q&A

  hevn no.041 Ryoga's Q&A

Credit :  Mandy ([info]dumplings2) wrote in [info]vividfans,

Ryouga ViViD Q&A

  • Name                                             Ryouga
  • part                                                Guitar
  • birthday                                          11.22
  • blood type                                      AB
  • Eyesight                                          1.0
  • Shoe size                                         44
  • Birthplace                                        Kantou
  • Mobile phone model                        Docomo
  • ringtone                                           none
  • Favourite food                                 white rice 
  • Disliked food                                   Oden’s kombu
  • The shampoo/conditioner you use    A hair salon one
  • Favourite girl type                            She’s devoted to me
  • When was your first love                 When I was a kindergartner

  • Please tell us your dream date course       :      Cuddling each other in silence     Words aren’t needed [… there he goes with that ‘silent’ word again >_>]
  • What was a subject you were good at         :         Physical education
  • Favourite film               :              Action
  • Favourite perfume to use           :      Dior Hypnopic poison [← he means Hypnotic, he either spelt it wrongly or whoever typed up his Q&A did T-T]
  • Your dream as a child          :         Freelance [someone who just works part-time to making a living]
  • Favourite colours        :           Purple,black,gold
  • Favourite brands         :           Justin Davis,Royal Order
  • Express oneself’s personality in one single word        :        Buffer-in [ I don’t get this… it’s a computer word =_=]
  • As a child, what kind of child were you?        :          A sports boy
  • Do you have an instrument that you want to try and give it go?      :           Sax [saxophone]
  • Please tell us members’ secrets which oneself only knows        :         What’s not a secret
  • If you can become a member for just 1 day, who do you want to become?         :          ko-ki。
  • Please explain the reason of the question above      :         Because I heard he’s fun
  • Favourite season      :         Winter
  • Sports you’re good at       :        Ground [sports]
  • Were you doing lessons to something?      :         Piano
  • Are you raising pets? (Names too if you like)      :         None
  • Songs which you often sing at karaoke?       :        EXILE
  • Favourite video game is?     :          Monster Hunter G2
  • A name that you want to give to your child is?       :         A name which is attached with Ryuu (龍)
  • What is the thing that you are bound to do before a live?      :         I imagine the audience’s faces
  • Within your room, what is your favourite spot?      :         You enter and there’s a wall edge [Ok… I have no idea what on earth a 壁際 is… it’s not even in the dictionary!!]
  • The thing that you unintentionally buy at the convenience store is?       :         Gum
  • Within the members, the best adult one is?      :         ko-ki 
  • Within the members, the best child one is?      :         Shin 
  • Phone person? E-mail person?        :        Phone person
  • The longest time of a long telephone conversation is?       :          3 hours
  • Favourite phrase        :        I’m the best
  • If you had a time machine, which period do you want to go to?      :         The 80’s Germany
  • The time it takes from waking up until going out is?         :       30 minutes. Men have bed hair
  • A thing which you laughed at recently was?         :       ko-ki’s usual talk
  • What flavour do you like of ramen?        :       Tonkotsu 
  • The cuisine you are good at [cooking] is?         :        A scrambled eggs one
  • A thing that is always entering your fridge is?          :      Vegetable juice
  • Where do you want to go if you travel?         :      England
  • If we assume you are born again, which one of a man or woman is good?      :         Man
  • What is your favourite character?       :        Sephiroth [← He’s a Final Fantasy character XD]
  • Currently, the person you want to see is?      :         A mate [Good friend kind of thing XD]
  • A single word for the members!!        :       You’re the best
A message to the readers           Because we fire it up, I hope that we won’t make it shake off, get on firmly [← Far out.. omg I don't really understand what he was on about there, but I'm getting a friend to fix it for me, so until then D: ]