It's actually Heath who's singing. If I remember correctly, he once mentioned in an interview that when it comes to his solo work, he plays every instrument himself - except for drums. Though I've got no idea why he's trying to avoid the mic as much as possible during X JAPAN concerts, when it's clear that he can hit the correct notes...^^;
at a 2008 gig (I think...) Toshi laughs at him because he wasn't singing the backing vocals for I.V and he went all shy and embarassed! Very sweet, but he can sing apparently! I actually really like that song
I think it was the hide memorial summit where Yoshiki and Toshi started the whole "Heath/Pata/Sugizo isn't singing"-thingy and ever since them at least one of them is teasing everyone else (though I personally always think "Yoshiki isn't singing either!" ^.~). It's always fun to watch, but I really wouldn't mind Heath actually singing or performing one of his solo songs like he used to in the very beginning.
I remember reading an interview after the reunion where Heath mentioned something about how he missed Toshi standing next to him while they sang the bridge to Weekend.
Now that I think about Weekend is the only song where Heath would sing...
XD yup! thats Heath singing. he pretty much sings vocals on all his solo works. in X the only singing Heath ever does is the occational back up vocals I believe.
he is shy singing in X eh. Haha, "Weekend" may be the only exception. Anyway he does all vocal in his solo projects. This is one of my favorite.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
[SUGIZO] In the damaged area 被災地にて
sugizo post it here on face book
In the damaged area 被災地にて
por Sugizo Official, quarta, 8 de junho de 2011 às 09:45
I am now working as volunteer in the damaged area.
Since I can't afford to write my diary,
I will upload my photos from time to time.
Anyway, the situation is still awful.
Some town is still totally destructed.
I am deeply thankful to all of you
for supporting and encouraging us
from all over the world.
Let's walk together until the revival with all our best.
oh god... gila ya.. dy ngikut bantu pas gempa kemarin... bner2 cinta lingkungan ni org.. aduh... jdi gemes....
In the damaged area 被災地にて
por Sugizo Official, quarta, 8 de junho de 2011 às 09:45
I am now working as volunteer in the damaged area.
Since I can't afford to write my diary,
I will upload my photos from time to time.
Anyway, the situation is still awful.
Some town is still totally destructed.
I am deeply thankful to all of you
for supporting and encouraging us
from all over the world.
Let's walk together until the revival with all our best.
oh god... gila ya.. dy ngikut bantu pas gempa kemarin... bner2 cinta lingkungan ni org.. aduh... jdi gemes....
X Japan - 2011 World Tour (ASIA)
[X JAPAN] X Japan - 2011 World Tour (ASIA) X Japan - 2011 World Tour, Seoul Oct 28, 2011 @ Olympic Gym#1 X Japan - 2011 World Tour, Shanghai Oct 30, 2011 @ The Grand Stage X Japan - 2011 World Tour, Beijing Nov 2, 2011 @ TBC X Japan - 2011 World Tour, Hong Kong Nov 4, 2011 @ Asia World Arena X Japan - 2011 World Tour, Taipei Nov 6, 2011 @ TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall HIDE BLESS US.......dammit BBH..... |
new single SUGIZO
SUGIZOが配信シングル「NEO COSMOSCAPE Remix by SYSTEM 7」を本日7月27日にiTunes Store、mu-mo、moraなどの配信サイトにてリリースした。
この作品はSUGIZOが2008年に発表したベストアルバム「COSMOSCAPE」の表題曲を、よりダンサブルにリミックスしたもの。伝説のプログレ バンドGONGのメンバーとして活動してきたスティーヴ・ヒレッジとミケット・ジローディによるテクノユニット、SYSTEM 7がリミックスを手がけている。
cc :
9/18に柏PALOOZAで行われるチャリティーライブ、OUR PINK SPIDER 2011「hide STILL ALIVE! 東北関東大震災チャリティーライヴ」にタカットとして出演します。 全出演者、全曲hideさんの楽曲のみで行われるチャリティーイベントです。 出演者はそれぞれこの日の為に組まれたセッションバンドでの出演で、 何やら身近な人の名前もチラホラ。 祭りだなこりゃ。 楽しみ。 集まれー。 公演日 2011.9.18(日) タイトル OUR PINK SPIDER 2011「hide STILL ALIVE! 東北関東大震災チャリティーライヴ」 出演者 「DIE BAND(仮)」V & G : AN-CHANG(SEX MACHINGUNS) B:RYO(defspiral) Key : DIE(Ra:IN) Dr : MAD大内 「ZERO BAND(D’espairs Ray)」V:樹威(ex.ヴィドール)G:MASATO(defspiral)B:ZERO(ex.D'espairsRay)D:TSUKASA(ex.D'espairsRay) 「タカット」CUTT & TAKA のユニット 「オレバンド」G : Kohey(CHUCKY) B : SEXX GEORGE(LADIESROOM) Dr : Eby(ex.ZI:KILL) 「KAMIJO BAND(Versailles)」V:KAMIJO(他のメンバーは決定次第知らせてきます) 開場 / 開演 開場 17:30開演 18:00 チケット値段 前売¥3,000 当日¥3,500 チケット詳細 *palooza 先行 palooza先行 8/1 14:00 ~ 8/5 18:00 (Aチケット) (指定時間外の申込は全て無効となります) PALOOZAWEB(TICKET) からの申込となります。 先着順ではありません。申込頂いた中からの 抽選となります。 1件の申込につき、発送手数料¥500かかります。 1件に付き、最大4枚まで申込可能です。 *一般発売(Bチケット) 8/20 ~ Lコード e+ palooza 店頭 その他 *入場順 1 / Aチケット(palooza 先行) 2 / Bチケット( 一般発売チケット) Cc: |
yap yap yap saya bknnya beralih.. tapi...
eh jujur ya, akhir2 ini di otak saya selalu ada X-JAPAN bukannya saya beralih ya dari the GazettE saya cinta dua duanya kok... XD mereka band bagus bgt bagi gua... >///< hal yag membuat saya jatuh hati sama X-JAPAN gara2 lagnya yang menyentuh...
nah awal saya tertarik sama X-JAPAN sih gara-gara HIDETO MATSUMOTO yang lebih dikenal dengen HIDE.. liat HIDE saya ngerasa Auranya itu mirip bgt sama Ruki...
nah awal saya tertarik sama X-JAPAN sih gara-gara HIDETO MATSUMOTO yang lebih dikenal dengen HIDE.. liat HIDE saya ngerasa Auranya itu mirip bgt sama Ruki...
entah kenapa... ini mungkin pandangan saya saja ya? apa karena marga mereka sama-sama Matsumoto kali yak? www~ setelah itu saya mencoba mengoloksi beberapa lagu-lagu dari X-JAPAN.. ok saya jatuh hati sama suaranya TOSHI.. wedew.. bkin bulukuduk merinding saking indahnya... XD
gak lama... saya mulai rada agak menjauh sama X-JAPAN ,maklum fokus sama theGazettE, entah kenapa gara-gara saya beli dvd konser X-JAPAN yang last live saya jatuh hati sama gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ bassist nya X-JAPAN yang namanya HIROSHI MORIE a.k.a HEATH...
ckckckkc... menurut saya sih muka nya tablo gymna gtu.. itu yang bikin saya kesemsem.. ahh.. biarlah yang penting Heath.. XD dan saya sekarang lg sibuk ngumpuin konser2 mereka... hmm meskipun konsernya bejibun yah demi memuaskan hati saya saya nabung deh.. untung aja konser2 theGazettE udah lengkap... jadi saya gak terlalu pusing.. XD
udah yak... capek..
interview from tumblr 1 Toshi and yoshiki
- YOSHIKI: Anyhow, after Kurachin left, to decide who'd do vocals, we all sang, me included. ToshI was the best.
- ToshI: Only a little bit better than YOSHIKI.
- YOSHIKI: Then, my voice was really high.
- ToshI: We didn't even have a microphone stand yet, so we used a tele-something YOSHIKI had.
- YOSHIKI: (almost simultaneously with ToshI's last words) Astronomical telescope.
- ToshI: Astronomical telescope. So our microphone stand was an astronomical telescope.
- YOSHIKI: Also, then, my voice hadn't changed yet.
- ToshI: He had a really high voice and [looked] really cute. Very likely no one here saw his face then, but he really was totally cute.
- YOSHIKI: Then, I was a little shorter than ToshI still.
- ToshI: Now he's about 15 cms taller than me. Then, he was all [frail/gangly like a] bean sprout.
- YOSHIKI: They even called me "hiyoko" then.
- ToshI: You really want to talk about that?
- YOSHIKI: No, I won't.
- ToshI: That already came out in your book YOSHIKI/佳樹.
- YOSHIKI: Well, there's only 1,000 people just now.
- ToshI: It's only a thousand people here, but there are lots more watching from home.
- YOSHIKI: Please keep it a secret.
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